In parallel, they have been creating discussion forums on escorts. Some are serious and others better not read them. You'll come across good and bad reviews. Not everything you read on you'll like and often invent things, you say that another girl and you advertise in such and such agency or who have been with you without being true. The anonymity of the Internet allows people to say what they want and if they misconduct can not do anything about it. Do not fall into the temptation to respond to attacks, not worth it, and if you do it with education and so'll be like a lady. Do not get to their level, basically seeking provocation and would earn no nothing. In that forum as those who speak ill of you in the background make you a favor because this profile that person does not call. If you are honest and do your job well by many obstacles that will put you you'll be fine, there is also word of mouth, your customers will recommend you to their friends and have regular customers.